General Concerns

Revival of the California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) Proctoring Network for Online Classes

Whereas, The California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) proctoring network, prior to COVID-19, promoted equity and accessibility by allowing students to take online courses and complete in-person exams at nearby participating colleges;

Whereas, In-person assessments help to mitigate inequities which exist in online assessments due to unequal access to technology and reliable internet, both of which can exacerbate test anxiety for students;

Prioritizing the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination at California Community College Campuses

Whereas, Fostering a safe, inclusive, equitable, nonviolent, and discrimination-free educational environment is important for all students, faculty, administrators, and staff at California community colleges;

Whereas, The prevalence of sexual harassment and discrimination, as well as inadequate institutional responses to such incidents, is still an ongoing concern at some college campuses [1]; and

Asserting Faculty Primacy with Respect to Establishing Low-Cost Definitions and Instructional Materials Cost-Reduction Goals

Whereas, Selecting course instructional materials is part of the academic and professional matters listed under Title 5 §53200, and faculty have a responsibility to take into consideration the cost associated with those instructional materials;

Establishing Low-Cost Textbook Parameters

Whereas, Resolution 13.01 F17 Recognition of Course Sections with Low-Cost Course Material Options established that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourages colleges to implement a mechanism for identifying course sections that employ low-cost course materials and supports efforts to increase student access to high-quality open educational resources and to reduce the cost of course materials and supplies for students in course sections for which open educational resources may not be available to accomplish zero cost for students;

Considering the Merits and Faults of Artificial Intelligence in the Community College Classroom

Whereas, California Code of Regulations Title 5 §41301 [1] and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Legal Opinions 07-12 [2] and 95-31 [3] promote academic integrity and aim to stymie academic dishonesty by outlining academic and professional ethics and disciplinary actions;

Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom/Solidarity with Faculty Across the Nation

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognizes that the struggles of all higher education faculty across the country are the struggles of those in California and recognizes the immense value of general education, majors, and minors in and related to the fields of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility and Critical Race Theory;

Adopt Effective and Equitable Online Education: A Faculty Perspective Paper

Whereas, In spring 2022, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) adopted Resolution 13.02 S22 Faculty Responsibility for Equitable, Accessible Learning Environments, [1] which recognized the need to update the existing ASCCC position paper titled Ensuring Effective Online Programs: A Faculty Perspective to include current and clarifying information regarding accessibility in online learning environments related to sections 504 [2] and 508 [3] of

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