Amend 13.04 Define Academic Freedom in Title 5

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Educational Policies Committee
Disciplines List
Status Report

Refer resolution and all amendments to Executive Committee for further research and report back by Fall 2023.

Add a Third Whereas:

Whereas, Since 1940, the American Association of University Professors, (AAUP) in their Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure [1] defined academic freedom, which continues to serve as the current standard definition that most educators refer to for guidance and direction, yet, the context and demographics of higher education have changed significantly over the last 80 years since the AAUP definition was crafted, showing a need for an updated definition of academic freedom;

Add a Second Resolved:

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and the California
Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office consider the AAUP’s definition [2] as a starting point for an updated definition for academic freedom that takes into consideration the current context of higher education and in support of the equity driven mission of the California Community Colleges.

1. ”1940 Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure.“ American Association of University Professors.
2. Ibid.