Creation of a Separate Transfer Model Curriculum for Women and Gender Studies

Resolution Number
Assigned to
C-ID Leadership
In Progress
Status Report

Fall 2022: This is currently being discussed by the C-ID AO Subgroup and a recommendation will be made to ICW regarding the creating of the new TMC. 

Whereas, C-ID constructed a template in “Social Justice Studies” as a general “Area of Emphasis” for students wishing to transfer into Ethnic Studies programs or Women and Gender Studies programs;

Whereas, The fields of Ethnic Studies and Women and Gender Studies have long been recognized in higher education as distinct and legitimate disciplines and exist as separate programs and degrees at transfer institutions including California State University and University of California;

Whereas, Assembling a transfer pattern for students wishing to pursue degrees in Ethnic Studies or Women and Gender Studies under the designator, “Social Justice Studies,” does not align with California State University and University of California disciplinary majors and denies students a disciplinary identity and home at the community college level and a clear transfer pathway; and

Whereas, The forthcoming departure of Ethnic Studies from the Social Justice Studies designator offers an opportunity to create a new transfer model curriculum (TMC) for Women and Gender Studies and reassess the effectiveness of the Social Justice Studies TMC;

Resolved,  That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges works with the Intersegmental Curriculum Workgroup, C-ID Advisory Committee, and the California State University Chancellor's Office to consider creating a transfer model curriculum for Women and Gender Studies by December 2022.