Funding for Apprenticeship Courses

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Legislative and Advocacy Committee
Budget and Finance
Status Report

The 2020-21 Legislative and Advocacy Committee reviewed the resolution and 1st resolve on Montoya Funds (recommendation to augment) has been completed, the second resolved has also been completed.

Whereas, Apprenticeship programs have traditionally been offered in the construction and industrial trades, with related and supplemental instruction (RSI) courses for apprentices, which are typically offered at apprenticeship training centers operated by the trades, funded by the program, employer, and “Montoya Funds”[1];

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is engaged in efforts to expand apprenticeship offered by colleges into areas such as child development, health care, and other areas that overlap with college Career and Technical Education programs through grants awarded through the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI);

Whereas, In order to provide ongoing funding for the expansion of apprenticeship programs offered by colleges, the 2018 Education Budget Trailer Bill [2] includes language to allow courses required for apprenticeship programs to be offered at the community colleges and claim apportionment at the credit full-time equivalent student (FTES) rate, a proposal which was not vetted with representatives of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, the Department of Industrial Relations, and the California Apprenticeship Council; and

Whereas, The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) in its 2018-2019 Budget Higher Education Analysis [3] recommends that the proposal to allow credit FTES apportionment to be claimed for apprenticeship courses be rejected because it is not necessary, would result in different rules for different apprenticeship providers, and could result in inconsistencies in apprenticeship instructor qualifications, and instead recommends approving an increase to $23.6 million for Montoya Funds for 2018-2019, which is $5.8 million more than proposed in the Governor’s budget, so that all projected related and supplemental instruction hours for 2018-2019 are funded;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose the 2018 Education Budget Trailer Bill language that amends Education Code §§76350 and 79149.1 to permit the claiming of apportionment for apprenticeship courses offered at community colleges at the credit full-time equivalent student (FTES) rate;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the Legislative Analyst’s Office recommendation to augment Montoya Funds in order to ensure funding for all projected related and supplemental instruction hours for 2018-2019; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) urge the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to work with representatives of the ASCCC, Department of Industrial Relations, California Apprenticeship Council, and other interested parties to address stakeholders’ concerns before proposing any legislative revisions to the apprenticeship instruction funding formula.


1. Montoya Funds is the common term for Related and Supplemental Instruction Funds. For more information, go to
2. The trailer bill language is available at….
3. The LAO 2018-2019 Budget Higher Education Analysis is available at…