Support SB 1009 (Wilk, as amended April 3, 2018) Community Colleges: Tutoring

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Legislative and Advocacy Committee
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

A letter of support was submitted on May 16, 2018. 

Whereas, Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive effects of expanded tutoring on student success [1] and, “the value of learning support and tutoring services to student success cannot be overestimated given the various levels of preparation our students bring to the classroom.” [2];

Whereas, The California Community College Chancellor’s Office in the Vision for Success has tasked the California Community College system with aspirational goals of increased student success and completion [3];

Whereas, California Education Code §84757 limits the CCC districts to collect apportionment for tutoring in the subject of basic skills [4], and allowing districts to claim apportionment for tutoring in all subjects would expand tutoring services on campuses [5]; and

Whereas, Allowing students to self-refer for tutoring, in addition to teacher referral, would remove a barrier to obtaining access to tutoring [6];

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support SB 1009 (Wilk, amended as of April 3, 2018) which “would provide that supervised tutoring for courses and classes in all subject areas that are either basic skills, degree applicable, or transfer level, irrespective of whether a student being tutored has been referred to tutoring by a faculty member or has self-initiated the tutoring, is eligible for state apportionment funding” and communicate that support to the legislature and other constituents as appropriate.


1. The Effects of Tutoring on Academic Performance… and The Learning Center (TLC) Retention and Success Analysis – Fall 2012…

2. Senate Rostrum, April 2018, “Supplemental Instruction Revisited”

3. The Vision for Success…

4. California Education Code. EDC § 84757

5. Resolution 18.01 F 2012, “Support the Elimination of the Basic Skills Restriction for Tutoring Apportionment”…

6. Resolution 20.01 F 2016, “Supporting Student Self-Referral for Tutoring Services”…