Transfer Alignment Project

In fall 2019, the ASCCC started the first phase of addressing the Resolution F17 15.01 Aligning Transfer Pathways for the CSU and UC Systems. 

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Academic Senates of the California State University and the University of California to identify a single pathway in each of the majors with an Associate Degree for Transfer to ensure that students will be prepared to transfer into either the California State University or the University of California systems.

Overall Goal:

  1. Align Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) with University of California Transfer Pathways (UCTP), where feasible, i.e. only non-substantive changes to the TMCs would be needed

  2. For those TMCs that need more changes, discipline faculty convene from all three systems, every attempt is made to align the pathways with two possible outcomes:

    1. Pathways aligned with substantive changes to TMC and/or UCTP (currently, only TMCs have been considered for changes)

    2. If the pathways cannot be aligned, then clear documentation on the rationale and benefits of separate pathways to students and public is communicated broadly

For additional information visit the linked C-ID UC Transfer Pathways page.

Please contact the Transfer Alignment Project by emailing transferalignment [at]

Transfer Alignment Project (TAP) Advisory Committee (2023-24)

Ginni May, TAP Director, ASCCC Intersegmental Projects Director, ICC Chair
Elizabeth Atondo, Articulation Officer, Los Angeles Mission College
Jim Chalfant, UC ACSCOTI Chair
Stephanie Curry, ASCCC Area A Representative, Past Curriculum Chair
Dolores Davison, C-ID Curriculum Director
Holly Deme*, ASCCC Transfer Alignment Project Program Manager
Ken Feer*, UC ACSCOTI Analyst
Krystinne Mica*, ASCCC Executive Director
LaTonya Parker, ASCCC Secretary/Past Curriculum Chair
Miguel Rother*, ASCCC C-ID Program Manager
Beth A. Steffel, ASCSU Chair


Meeting Minutes