Criteria and Training for the Evaluation and Approval of Advanced Credit English as a Second Language (ESL) Coursework for California State University General Education Breadth (CSU-GE) and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)

Whereas, AB 705 (Irwin, 2017) and AB 1805 (Irwin, 2018) recognize that “Instruction in English as a second language (ESL) is distinct from remediation in English” and that

English Language Learners (ELLs) “enrolled in credit ESL coursework are foreign language learners who require additional language training in English, require support to successfully complete degree and transfer requirements in English, or require both of the above” [1];

Data Paper and Equity-Minded Practices

Whereas, Data can help to expose and address systemic barriers that impede the practice of equity on college campuses;

Whereas, Data is critical for faculty to understand and utilize so that they may best assist students in achieving their educational goals;

Whereas, In February 2010, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Executive Committee published Data 101 Guiding Principles for Faculty, which delineated ten foundational principles for the use of data; and

Collegial Consultation during Implementation of Guided Pathways

Whereas, The Guided Pathways Award Program, as described in legislation, relies on collegial consultation with faculty and the existence of grassroots governance at every level for successful implementation;

Whereas, The principles and tenets of guided pathways address academic and professional matters, including counseling, curriculum, and program processes to clarify pathways that lead to employment, assist students to select and enter chosen pathways, provide support on the pathways, and ensure learning is taking place; and

Minimum Qualifications for Campus Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinators

Whereas, Title 5 section 56048 requires, as a condition of receiving Disabled Student Program & Services (DSPS) funds, DSPS Coordinators must meet the minimum qualifications for DSPS faculty stated in Title 5 section 53414 or be academic administrators that “meet the minimum qualifications for academic administrators in Title 5 section 53420 and, in addition, have two (2) years full-time experience or the equivalent within the last four (4) years in one or more of the following fields:

Repeatability of Credit Co-Requisite Support Courses

Whereas, In response to the implementation of the requirements of AB 705 (Irwin, 2017) colleges are creating credit and noncredit support courses for English and mathematics, including required credit co-requisite courses;

Whereas, The regulatory language in Title 5 section 55041 on repeatable courses did not foresee the requirements of AB 705 (Irwin, 2017), and thus does not address the repeatability of credit support courses for English and mathematics;

Clarify the Meaning of Fundamental Alteration When Providing Academic Accommodations

Whereas, Title 5 §56000(e) states that academic accommodations for students with disabilities may “not include any change to curriculum or course of study that is so significant that it alters the required objectives or content of the curriculum in the approved course outline, thereby causing a fundamental alteration,” and Title 5 §56001(b) defines a fundamental alteration as “any change to a course curriculum or course of study that is so significant that it alters the required objectives or content of the curriculum in the approved course outline of the course;”

Consider Implications of Publisher-Developed Lower Cost “Inclusive Access” Strategies

Whereas, Publishers have been developing approaches to monetize open educational resources and, in some instances, are providing textbook solutions that dramatically decrease the costs of such resources but may have unintended negative consequences;

Whereas, “Inclusive access” strategies have been introduced by publishers in various formats as an approach to decrease the cost of course resources by providing access to low-cost digital resources;

Provide Guidance with Respect to Ensuring Student Access to No-Cost Resources

Whereas, SB 1359 (Block, 2016) requires all segments of public higher education in California to “Clearly highlight, by means that may include a symbol or logo in a conspicuous place on the online campus course schedule, the courses that exclusively use digital course materials that are free of charge to students and may have a low-cost option for print versions” (California Education Code §66406.9) as of January, 2018;

English as a Second Language (ESL) Course Basic (CB) 21 Rubric Coding of Multiple Courses to the Same CB21 Competency

Whereas, The CB21 rubric for noncredit and credit English as a Second Language (ESL) courses has been revised in part to align with the six competencies of the Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs), thereby resulting in CB21 coding options of six letters to represent a range of competencies;

Whereas, The re-coding of existing ESL courses may result in circumstances where more than one course is appropriately coded to the same CB21 code;

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